Examples of use

Examples of use
Molymod Mini DNA Spare Purple Phosphate
Order code: AMDP-PHOS-6
A pack of 6 purple phosphate units for Molymod DNA and RNA models.
A quality, genuine Molymod® product fully compatible with all other genuine Molymod® products.
A genuine Molymod(r) product made in the U.K. not a cloned look-a-like.
Last edited 2nd Oct 2019

ACSSU184 - Biological Sciences - DNA - The transmission of heritable characteristics from one generation to the next involves DNA and genes
Click a curriculum code to see other products that relate.
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Works with: | From |
AMDNA-060-12 - Molymod DNA Model Kit 12 Layer | $63.50 |
AMDNA-060-22 - Molymod DNA Model Kit 22 Layer | $89.60 |
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Similar Products: | From |
AMDNA-SPACER-10 - Molymod Colourless Spacer | $10.40 |
AMDP-ADE-6 - Molymod Mini DNA Spare Dark Blue Adenine | $6.00 |
AMDP-CYT-6 - Molymod Mini DNA Spare Yellow Cytosine | $6.00 |
AMDP-DO-RIB-6 - Molymod Mini DNA Spare Red Deoxyribose | $6.00 |
AMDP-GUA-6 - Molymod Mini DNA Spare Green Guanine | $6.00 |
AMDP-RIB-6 - Molymod Mini DNA Spare Dark Red Ribose | $6.00 |
AMDP-THY-6 - Molymod Mini DNA Spare Orange Thyamine | $6.00 |
AMDP-URA-6 - Molymod Mini DNA Spare Light Blue Uracil | $6.00 |
Documents: Catalogue | May 2024 Web Catalogue | |
Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight