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ACSCH064: Year 11 Molecular interactions and reactions - Aqueous solutions and acidity

The presence of specific ions in solutions can be identified using analytical techniques based on chemical reactions, including precipitation and acid­base reactions

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Vernier Go Direct pH Sensor VERNIER GO DIRECT pH SENSOR Vernier's Go Direct pH Sensor is a general purpose pH sensor used to monitor the pH of aqueous solutions. It directly connects wirelessly via Bluetooth® or wired via USB to your platform. The Vernier Go Direct pH Sensor is an important and v... Order code: GDX-PH ACARA Logo
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Scientrific's price  $271.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier pH Sensor VERNIER PH SENSOR Vernier's general purpose pH sensor can be used across disciplines including chemistry, biology, middle school science and environmental science. Use the pH Sensor just as you would a traditional pH meter with the additional advantages of automated da... Order code: PH-BTA ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $261.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Go Direct Drop Counter VERNIER GO DIRECT DROP COUNTER Vernier's Go Direct Drop Counter precisely records the number of drops of titrant added during a titration and then automatically converts it to volume. It directly connects wirelessly via Bluetooth® or wired via USB to your platform. Con... Order code: GDX-DC ACARA Logo
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Scientrific's price  $286.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Go Direct Glass-Body pH Sensor VERNIER GO DIRECT GLASS BODY pH SENSOR This high-quality glass body pH sensor can be used in non-aqueous solutions and solutions that contain organic solvents, strong acids or strong bases. The electrode features a sealed, gel-filled Ag-AgCl combination reference electrod... Order code: GDX-GPH ACARA Logo
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Scientrific's price  $395.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Go Direct Tris Compatible Flat pH Sensor VERNIER GO DIRECT TRIS-COMPATIBLE FLAT pH SENSOR Vernier's Go Direct Tris-Compatible Flat pH Sensor is a highly versatile sensor. Because the glass membrane is flat instead of a bulb, it is more durable, easier to clean and allows for flat surface measurements or smaller ... Order code: GDX-FPH ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $345.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Go Direct Flat pH BNC Electrode VERNIER GO DIRECT FLAT pH BNC ELECTRODE Connect the Flat pH BNC Electrode to Vernier's Go Direct™ Electrode Amplifier to measure pH of solutions containing proteins or sulfides. The glass membrane is flat instead of a bulb, making it more durable, easier to clean and a... Order code: GDX-FPH-BNC ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $206.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Go Direct Glass Body pH BNC Electrode VERNIER GO DIRECT GLASS BODY pH BNC ELECTRODE Connect the Glass-Body pH BNC Electrode to Vernier's Go Direct™ Electrode Amplifier to measure pH in aqueous, heterogeneous and organic solutions. This high-quality glass body pH electrode can be used in non-aqueous solutio... Order code: GDX-GPH-BNC ACARA Logo
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Scientrific's price  $234.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Microstirrer VERNIER MICROSTIRRER Vernier's Microstirrer takes the place of the stirring bar that is typically used with a laboratory magnetic stirrer. It easily attaches to the end of a pH sensor, conductivity probe, dissolved oxygen probe or ion-selective electrodes. When the ma... Order code: MSTIR ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $22.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

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Vernier Drop Counter VERNIER DROP COUNTER The Drop Counter precisely records the number of drops of titrant added during a titration, which is automatically converted into volume. It may be used in conjunction with other sensors, such as a pH Sensor, Conductivity Probe or ORP Sensor to perfor... Order code: VDC-BTD ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $271.00
Prices exclude GST and freight

Burette Acrylic with Tpx/PTFE Stopcock 50ml 50ml acrylic burette with a teflon tap and 0.1mm gradations. Not suitable for acids. Order code: LW1507-01 ACARA Logo
Purchase QTY: (Each)1+
Scientrific's price  $23.00
Prices exclude GST and freight
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