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IEC Radioactive Source Alpha Polonium 210

Order code: PA2667-005
Purchase QTY: (Each) 1+
Scientrific's price   $291.50
Educational special   $285.00
Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight

A low energy radioactive source of ALPHA, Polonium 210, suitable for classroom studies in radioactivity and absorbers. This school grade radioactive source is mounted in a 25mmD x 5mm thick plastic disc with a printed symbol.

Although radioactivity level is very low, the sources should not be carried around for long periods or placed in pockets of clothing against one’s body.

NOTE: POLONIUM 210 has a very short half-life of 135 days. About 18 months after purchase the item will be useless for experiments.

Dangerous goods freight is required for this radioactive source.

User ManualIEC Radioactive Sources

NOTE: This is a genuine IEC product.
We believe in supporting Australian industry and only sell genuine IEC products, we do NOT sell imported clones of IEC products.

  • Product size: (HxWxD): 25x25x3mm

    Last edited 6th Aug 2024

    This product is used in teaching these Australian Curriculum codes:
    ACSPH030 - Thermal nuclear and electrical physics - Ionising radiation and nuclear reactions - Alpha, beta and gamma radiation have sufficient energy to ionise atoms
    ACSPH029 - Thermal nuclear and electrical physics - Ionising radiation and nuclear reactions - Each species of radionuclide has a specific half­life

    Click a curriculum code to see other products that relate.

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    CatalogueMay 2024 Web Catalogue
    ExperimentAlpha Beta Gamma Radiation
    ExperimentMP12 Background Radiation Sources
    ExperimentSP14 Radiation Shields
    User ManualIEC Radioactive Sources

    Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight