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IEC Power Supply DIGI PACK 2 to 12V plus 1 to 16V Regulated

Order code: LB2628-001
Purchase QTY: (Each) 1+
Scientrific's price   $375.00
Educational special   $366.00
Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight

This double power supply has a standard 2-12V output power supply on the left side of the front panel and a smoothly variable, regulated and filtered 1-16 DC volts, 3 amp output on the right side. Many experiments work well with unfiltered DC voltages such as powering a light bulb but others fail miserably due to the unfiltered voltage.

Other IEC student power supplies provide unfiltered or un-smoothed 2-12V DC which means that 100 Hertz ripple (twice the mains frequency due to rectification) is generated. The ripple is best seen on an oscilloscope.

The IEC DIGI-PAK overcomes the ripple problem by providing a filtered and finely variable 1-16V DC from the right hand DC output terminals. The voltage is varied using the right hand knob and can be monitored using the red LED display. The filtered voltage is also regulated meaning that the selected voltage is always delivered regardless of the current being drawn (up to 3 amps).

Left panel DC and AC
• 240V AC input
• 2-12V AC/DC output switch selectable in 2 volt steps
• Continuous 5A or intermittent 6A output current
• The DC output is un-smoothed

Right panel DC
• 240V AC input
• 1-16V DC output
• 3A maximum load
• The DC output is regulated and filtered

Includes self resetting thermal overload protection, spin free 4mm banana sockets, easy to read red LED voltage display accurate 0.1 volt and removable mains cable.

Maximum current using all outputs is 6A

User ManualIEC Power Supply Digi Pack

NOTE: This is a genuine IEC product.
We believe in supporting Australian industry and only sell genuine IEC products, we do NOT sell imported clones of IEC products.

  • Warranty: 1 year
    • Product size: (HxWxD): 83x245x130mm
    • Weight: 2.2kg
    • Packed weight: 2.5kg

      Last edited 20th Feb 2024

      This product is used in teaching these Australian Curriculum codes:
      ACSPH044 - Thermal nuclear and electrical physics - Electrical circuits - Circuit analysis and design involve calculation of the potential difference across, the current in, and the power supplied to, components in series, parallel and series/parallel circuits
      ACSPH039 - Thermal nuclear and electrical physics - Electrical circuits - Energy is conserved in the energy transfers and transformations that occur in an electrical circuit
      ACSPH041 - Thermal nuclear and electrical physics - Electrical circuits - Energy is required to separate positive and negative charge carriers; charge separation produces an electrical potential difference that can be used to drive current in circuits
      ACSPH042 - Thermal nuclear and electrical physics - Electrical circuits - Power is the rate at which energy is transformed by a circuit component; power enables quantitative analysis of energy transformations in the circuit
      ACSPH043 - Thermal nuclear and electrical physics - Electrical circuits - Resistance for ohmic and non­ohmic components is defined as the ratio of potential difference across the component to the current in the component
      ACSPH040 - Thermal nuclear and electrical physics - Electrical circuits - The energy available to charges moving in an electrical circuit is measured using electric potential difference, which is defined as the change in potential energy per unit charge between two defined points in the circuit
      ACSPH106 - Gravity and electromagnetism - Electromagnetism - Current­carrying wires are surrounded by magnetic fields; these fields are utilised in solenoids and electromagnets
      ACSPH108 - Gravity and electromagnetism - Electromagnetism - Magnets, magnetic materials, moving charges and current­carrying wires experience a force in a magnetic field; this force is utilised in DC electric motors
      ACSPH107 - Gravity and electromagnetism - Electromagnetism - The strength of the magnetic field produced by a current is called the magnetic flux density

      Click a curriculum code to see other products that relate.

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      CatalogueMay 2024 Web Catalogue
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      ExperimentMagnetic Field in Slinky
      ExperimentMP24A Force on current carrying conductor
      ExperimentMP32 Magnetic Field Coil
      User ManualIEC Power Supply Digi Pack

      Note: Prices do NOT include GST or freight